
Comments (7)

What do you think?

kris hp 1000 atk 100 def 100 jevil hp 1000 atk 200 def 150 ok

i almosted rage quit,good game!

so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,so cool,

and also why is it called sim if you can have a 2Player one player soul ,two player jevil

The world is revolving! #fangame #shooter #deltarune

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